Monday, January 25, 2010

Ocean of Love

What we are "niggling at you" about is the changes you are experiencing now, not at some future date but in the ever present now. They key is the heart where we connect up with the source, which is love. Anything that blocks this or doesn't appear to be love, through being guided by your own inner compass, will take you to the opening, to the door.

You were right when you saw you were creating this play. You see the people, the players, the cast and you see that some are in pain and some are entrenched in the world. Yet they all have a way, which is magical, to go to the deeper places and so there is a recognition where you rejoice upon meeting them.

Do not be deterred from your course. Keep connecting and going deeper inside to the mystic places. Keep your heart open and creative and free. Move your body like never before while you have one, because as you go towards this symbolic tipping point, this place of no return, you must be ready for the comfort of your body to be light as air, with your feet solidly on the ground of your being. This is the place of safety and refuge.

Build that temple of love within your being and be that place that issues forth the light for all to see. Be the representative of love that you seek on the outside to make it know that it is possible to attain enlightenment - like the light house you sometimes see in your visions showing you the way around rocky shoals to safe water.

Not much is need to go to this place. The smallest of bags, the lightest of wings to take you home to the Ocean of Love. My little salt person, you are continually arising within yourself to meet me and melt into my embrace.

No yoga, mantra, tantra need be. You are already here in the heart space of love. You've made the distinctions that the three D world have afforded you which are the sharp outlines of what is helpful and not so great. With no judgment, you witness and you relate back to the heart. The heart knows what you do not know. Drop in to that place to know where to go next. Rest and take your time and go easy and simple. Simplify at all times.

Relationship truly are the ark of our ascension. As you are preparing to ascend we are waiting for you on the other side in celebration and homecoming.

"Swim little fishy, swim if you can" over all the perceived obsticles in the waters and rivers of life. Observe and sing your love song for all the world to hear. Sing your heart song. Sing. Sing as if there were no tomorrow. Prepare for Reunion.

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