Wednesday, November 5, 2008

For You - For My daughter Sarah Sept 2008

I crawled through space for you
I reached out my hand
I asked for you
like a recitation

Some spaces were tight
Some uncomfortable
Some made me bleed
Some broke my heart

But I would do it again
for you

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dinasaurs and Dragons

When you remove the mystical enlivening energy of a human being the husk is left. There is no life without the juice. MG

There is no moment that is separating us from the Now. All are connected to everyone and everything that always was and will always be. Imagination creates the world we see.

Life is symbolic, subject to interpretation. The mind that sees is the one that takes the images and interprets it according to its Rememberances, Akasha. It is the mind that interprets the symbols that it sees. The consciousness behind the mind is the one we seek to cultivate. Tapping into the Universal Mind is done simply by silencing the distractions the world, through meditation and merging with the vast ocean of the Universe.

The elements make a conductive circuit of life. If the energy that created it all is missing then there is void. Void does not mean there is no-thing. Void means that there is an absence of perception or a lack of vehicle to perceive it. Even in blackness there is light. Every color of the rainbow exists in the color of Black. Obsidian gathers to it all the fragments of color and absorbs it to itself.

Our bodies are readers: they record the impressions of our family, our society and environment. All of this is up to interpretation and the quality of the reader,for all is phenomenon. The answers to the problems of today are the solutions that naturally flow to those who are perceiving and looking for them on the Inner through contemplation and meditation.

If you have a worldwide culture that is hypnotized then the images they see are not of their own creation resulting in their becoming cut off from their own common senses and perceptions. See RF Kennedy Jr. on the media

In Germany the film industry began with Nosferatu, a vampire . What came up for the people who viewed it was fear. We accept these images due to the hypnotizing effect of them, which spreads like a cancer. We accept the authority of people who do not have our good interests I mind with vampire like, power sucking images.

We are at the effect of a long thought out plan to suck as much fear based power out of humanity as possible. What the reason is, I can’t understand. I do not see the logic in any of it. What I do know is that the opposite of love is not hate, and that to over come your enemies you cannot react to them, nor feed them with your attention at all. If you want a thing to grow, you must discipline your attention to it and care for it.

Watch your mind. See that there is nothing outside of it but distortion and distraction. Reside in the ocean of your consciousness, which is unlimited peace. Just as there are stars in the sky, there is the Universal Flow in and outside of time and space. The heart of who you really are neither lives nor dies. Bathe in the sea of remembrance and refresh yourself. Go inside yourself and seek the light of understanding.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Evocation Aug 28, 2008 Maryma

Progression of a Condition

In learning to analyze Samprapti, or the progression of disease, we look to the signs and symbols that created them, to the Causative Factors where the Dosha, or mistake, began. The mind alone cannot reconcile differences. It is in standing in the place of detached compassion, in service to humanity, the higher ground to which it all points is acheived.

Warts and all

Suffering and loving one’s self, “warts and all." builds a reservoir of practices that can be shared with others. The symptoms are ones that get our attention. We hone our skills in picking up the subtlest vibrations of being out of balance. Navigating the currents of this fine balance brings the wisdom that translates into a repertoire of practices.

Different as Snowflakes

It’s not that we are all the same, for we are as different as snowflakes, but together we make a tapestry of a single vision that we cannot find in isolation. Isolation was a coping mechanism that no longer worked. Reaching from the mind did not create solutions. The mind is constantly seeking an answer or a way, the key that will unlock the mystery. It is in the heart where the answers are found.

Head and Heart

In Chinese medicine it is the head and the heart that relate to one another. They are the same. In Ayurveda the Head bows down to the heart. In Intuitive Medicine the belly is the second brain, the brain chemistry being equal in the gut as in the brain.

Reeling it In

The mystery stands on it’s own. We allow it. We go along unconsciously and then “suddenly” a condition arises. Maybe it’s something we were unable or unwilling to see at first. It keeps niggling at us until we reel it in.

This realization from the depths doesn’t always feel or look pleasant. It may have pathology. It may be a dis-ease. Something keeps nibbling on the line of our awareness until it raises to the surface. Maybe it jumps into our boat. Finally we see it.


In Ayurveda we take time to sit with the client for an hour to take an inventory of the signs and symptoms. Then a Samprapti or blue print is sketched for the client and a practice laid out for the client to follow. Our job as practitioners is to be able to interpret the signs in a definitive picture of the moment, describing the condition, mapping and drawing out a program to unwind the cause and bring balance to the client. This type of care is missing from Western medicine at this time where clients are given ten minutes and the “problems” are often “cut out.”

How to Make Friends

A conversation gets to happen with the energy, or entity or even a description of the Dosha. mistake, disease, condition. Many words are trying to describe one thing. There is only one things going on. All the signs are pointing back to “It,” the cause. We build a Nidhana map. We lay it out. We catch something in the description of the condition that leads us to a beginning of sorts. From that emerges a picture.

The conversation with it might go like this: “ Energy, we can live together in harmony. I am not going to kill you. I recognize you and I have a symbiotic relationship and offer you a truce. If you kill me, you kill you. Let’s work out a an agreement where you are minimize, I recover, and we can co-exist.”

Creating the Atmosphere of Love

Our job as Ayurvedic Practitioners is to create an atmosphere for anything that might arise in our consultations with our clients. Initially we discover this thing within ourselves we are able to interpret self-knowledge into an intuitive practice that offers a beacon of hope to our clients. This might look like a centre, or attention to detail in our healing environment

Our own life is a reflection of what we offer our client: a wonderful room that is attractive and relaxing; offering the comforts of tea and soft music; taking into consideration color, aromatherapy and artwork: all these subtle things create a vibration in which healing can occur. The client does the healing; we offer the context for that healing. From our knowledge rises the possibility of another way, or outcome.

Reflective Universe Theory

The body is plastic, like “silly putty,” it receives the impression of the environment that creates it at every moment. Learning how to change the course of any condition relies on the level of understanding of the individual. Initially there is the need for practices that lend themselves towards balance. Having a dedicated practice and creating the harmony in one’s environment goes a long way to reversing any current that is contrary to well being.

Attacking or resisting problems only make them worse, add to the original causes thus creating friction.” Evil is sufficient unto the day,” so the saying goes. Wrong use of intelligence is the Ayurvedic term. We try to use the mind to escape the problem. However, the problem ca not be solved at the level it was created upon. A new understanding gets to happen. The dis-ease has progressed from cause, to overflow, to other tissues and organ systems, by the time we are aware of it.

Common Sense

Common sense is something that seems to have gone astray in everyday life. When there is the common cold we kept he core warm by drinking warm liquids, and melting the heavy unctuous conditions that support it. When someone is aggravated we seek to bring that condition back into balance versus getting rid of it. As is always the case, we never get rid of anything, but seek in every moment to remember our selves in a state of harmony and balance. Don’t forget Love. Love is the matrix, the under pinning upon which all of life is fastened, not matter how it appears. When we get back to the kernel of Love we have arrived at the beginning of it all.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Hot Coal

The Hot Coal

Once there was a very sad and disappointed man. Try as he might he couldn’t not understand why his generosity and his vision had not been repaid and why he continued to suffered setbacks and disappointments when all he really wanted to do was play and have fun. “What did I say or do to deserve this?” He thought.

One day a woman came to him and told him a story about a hot coal, how generation after generation this hot coal is passed down to the one who would hold it. Every time the coal is passed down the reaction is “I don’t like this at all!” and it is passed or, thrown, or projected on to “nearest and dearest” without anyone quite knowing what’s happened. Something didn’t feel good but what to do or how to get rid of it became a process of denial: ”I didn’t do anything wrong.” The hot coal continued down the generations.

Finally there was someone who realized that the hot coal was a source of pain for anyone who held it and said, “I’m going to find out what this is all about.” For many years the person felt like a victim, that everything was happening to them, and they had no control. “Why me?” they said and the answer came back “Why not? Might as well be you.”

Many years passed as the coal burned and twisted and filled the person with many experiences and there was no getting away from it. The person tried to make it the “other’s” fault at great destruction to the hearts of those who loved them. In the end the person surrendered and sat with the coal until it cooled down. The mere action of no action made the heat dissipate, while the tossing and the resistance caused friction and made the coal burn brighter.

Talking to the coal the person said, “who are you and what do you want?” After a long time of listening the coal said “I am the disowned part of you. The one you don’t want and you “don’t like. I am the unfelt feeling of life times. I am the part of the spark that was given to each person when they entered the world, and I am your treasure.”

I help to you discriminate and let you know what you don’t want so that you see what you do want. I am divisive, I make the differences seen and felt, and I have a tremendous energy that can be used for good or ill. Once you know who and what I am, as part of yourself, you will be able to use me to do anything with this vast reserve of energy that I Am. If you resist me I will drain you of everything you think you have.”

The person was thoughtful and realized that rather than resisting, and running from this “problem,” that in sitting with it, it had a lot to say. Instead of running from, ignoring or denying the so called “problems” that came up in the course of life, these experiences were transformed into rich “compost” that fruited the vines of the beautiful garden the Master sat in.

Many people came to learn the lessons that the coal had to teach: transmutation and discernment from sitting with that which burns the hottest and listening to the messages that these experiences had to gift. Much was understood and continued to unfold in the coming time, but from now on the hot coal and the person where one, and all was well.

Friday, August 8, 2008

James Mc Murthy - Can't Make It Here Any More

There’s a Vietnam Vet with a cardboard sign
Sitting there by the left turn line
Flag on his wheelchair flapping in the breeze
One leg missing and both hands free
No one’s paying much mind to him
The V.A. budget’s just stretched so thin
And now there’s more coming back from the Mideast war
We can’t make it here anymore

That big ol’ building was the textile mill that fed our kids and it paid our bills
But they turned us out and they closed the doors
We can’t make it here anymore

See those pallets piled up on the loading dock
They’re just gonna sit there ‘til they rot
‘Cause there’s nothing to ship, nothing to pack
Just busted concrete and rusted tracks
Empty storefronts around the square
There’s a needle in the gutter and glass everywhere
You don’t come down here unless you’re looking to score
We can’t make it here anymore

The bar’s still open but man it’s slow
The tip jar’s light and the register’s low
The bartender don’t have much to say
The regular crowd gets thinner each day
Some have maxed out all their credit cards
Some are working two jobs and living in cars
Minimum wage won’t pay for a roof, won’t pay for a drink
If you gotta have proof just try it yourself Mr. CEO
See how far $5.15 an hour will go
Take a part time job at one your stores
Bet you can’t make it here anymore

There’s a high school girl with a bourgeois dream
Just like the pictures in the magazine
She found on the floor of the laundromatA woman with kids can forget all that
If she comes up pregnant what’ll she do
Forget the career, forget about school
Can she live on faith? Live on hope?
High on Jesus or hooked on dope
When it’s way too late to just say no
You can’t make it here anymore

Now I’m stocking shirts in the Wal-Mart store
Just like the ones we made before
‘ Cept this one came from Singapore
I guess we can’t make it here anymore

Should I hate a people for the shade of their skin
Or the shape of their eyes or the shape I’m in
Should I hate ‘em for having our jobs today
No I hate the men sent the jobs away
I can see them all now, they haunt my dreams
All lily white and squeaky clean
They’ve never known want, they’ll never know need
Their shit don’t stink and their kids won’t bleed
Their kids won’t bleed in their damn little war
And we can’t make it here anymore

Will work for food will die for oil
Will kill for power and to us the spoils
The billionaires get to pay less tax
The working poor get to fall through the cracks
So let ‘em eat jellybeans let ‘em eat cake
Let ‘em eat shit, whatever it takes
They can join the Air Force, or join the Corps
If they can’t make it here anymore

So that’s how it is, that’s what we got
If the president wants to admit it or not
You can read it in the paper, read it on the wall
Hear it on the wind if you’re listening at all
Get out of that limo, look us in the eye
Call us on the cell phone tell us all why

In Dayton Ohio or Portland Maine
Or a cotton gin out on the great high plains
That’s done closed down along with the school
And the hospital and the swimming pool
Dust devils dance in the noonday heat
There’s rats in the alley and trash in the street
Gang graffiti on a boxcar door
We can’t make it here anymore

Friday, August 1, 2008

In a Perfect World of Love

"In a perfect world of love, free of fear, chemicals and contamination, our brain chemistry would remain in balance for our entire life. But our modern society has created a different set of rules. Any trauma, fears, attacks or perceptions of a threat to our self, sets off the fight or flight chemical response. This response is then logged into our permanent memory bank for instant recall at a later date. The problem begins to arise after the perceived threat has passed. The chemical imbalances never reset themselves back to zero. Over years and even decades of constant fear, stressor stimulation and continuing chemical imbalance, the body starts to physically break down.

It has valiantly been doing its job of protecting and adapting. Coupled with the influence of toxic metals, chemicals and drugs, the brain creates a disease or a system failure waiting to happen. The sensitive neural conditioning actually starts to take on the appearance of post-traumatic stress disorder, OCD's or an autoimmune disorder.

The treatment of brain chemistry imbalances with the use of prescription drugs is only masking the underlying condition. The designed action of the drug is to block receptor sensitivity or neutralize the excessive natural chemicals without addressing the original creation of the condition. Over time, as the underlying condition worsens and we go to stronger and stronger masking agents, we eventually have to deal with our imbalanced nature through the physical manifestation of disease. As we balance our brain, we create a new perception of life and a new world of optimal health.” James C, Cole

From my Ayurveda Tutor at Wellpark College:

"When you watched this movie “What the bleep Do We Know" the scientist talked about Columbus  and the Aztecs not to being able to see the ship when it arrived because they had no example of anything like that in their experience. Their neurons where not developed to identify it until the shaman came and pointed it out and then they said, “Yes, we can see the ship.”

It is a similar experience when you do not have another perspective and continue to believe that there is no reality outside of the one you know. It is not just the brain in your head, which is doing the job of making sure all the channels communicate with each other well. There is a little brain in every part of your body. Every cell has it’s own intelligence, every cell is its own being, because every cell is an organism in itself. What is that which holds all these millions of organisms together to become your or me?

In India,  3,000 years produced a generations of healthy people and thus they had time for wisdom. Why would someone sit in the Himalayas and ask “what is self?”  in search of self-realization, what’s the meaning behind creation?” It is because they didn’t have to worry about their sinusitis, their diabetes or their mortgages. They created a Life Style, which helped them not to worry about these aspects. They had a preparedness to look at the more meaningful aspects of life and thus came the wisdom of Vedas."


MG: For me these two ideas: one from the internet when I was investigating the biology of fight or flight on the nervous system as it relates to the lungs and heart called “In a perfect world of Love” related so well to what my tutor was say regarding the way the Reishis of old were able to bring forth the Vedas: it was because they didn’t live surrounded by the constant toxic soup we all swim in: the tragedies, real and imagined, that plummet our health into a perpetual state of imbalance and disease.

We don’t even have a community to uphold those of us who are single parents, who go through the ravages of divorce, those of us who have lost EVERYTHING we based our lives on: jobs, partners, homes, and health. The poverty of life that co-opts the peace needed to bring forth revelation: something that is inherent in us as our good.
 I have tossed around the hot potato of values, morality, virtue, good and evil and what I keep coming up with is LOVE. Love changes everything. Until we come to this experience, which society denies us, then we may go from one external something to another without any satisfaction, and, at the same time, sensing that something's missing or there has got to be more to life than what we are seeing, feeling or experiencing. 

In my searching I have realized that things are perfect in the moment, right here and now. Even if the worst thing imaginable happens to us we are in the perfect place because our actions or Karma have placed us here. Instead of cursing the externals for bringing us here, we get to thank them for freeing us from our karmas, giving us a chance to examine where we are and how we got there and thus be able to be in a position to chose again from a place of Love, versus what ever it was that prompted us to be in this position in the first place.

Like:” she took the money and run.”  How often do we ask the question: "Why?" There is a slender thread that leads back to how we got ourselves into the situation we are currently faced with. Take any situation from the World Trade Center to why bad things happen to good people. Poverty drives this machine: poverty of consciousness, of resources, of understanding and especially Love.  There is a connection to wellness or ill health, experience, environment and their is a remedy, a way to come back into balance within our  separate worlds.  Taking 100% responsibility for what we have created is a first step. 

When we come from a place of Love there are no considerations at all. We become aware of this present moment as being the beginning of a whole new chapter, or new world. Anything is possible. We are open and allowing.

Which gets me back to the other idea I had of the holding tank; the way station we get to sit in until the time is ripe, we are ripe, to pop into our true beings, our authentic selves: authors of our own experience. Even though there is nothing to do about anything, we can unravel the Karmic actions by bringing ourselves into balance with what we know to be true: whether it be values, good health, forgiving everything etc. Here in lies the compost of our ripening souls and it is from this rich dark compost our future self is born.

Enough for today. 2/8/8

My vision for village Voice

Into my mind pops, "Villages Voices - Good News For Good People." I realize that by a simple shift off "How Terrible! How Awful! What are we going to do?" to "What's Right, What We Can Do, and What We going to do?" a whole new world opens up to opportunity.

I am interested in getting the conversation started about how we can create Positive Attractors, beacons within our selves, our families and communities that generate a New Story: one based on how excited we are to be finally be talking to one another for a start!!! Out of our Apart-ments and into re-memberence: calling back the parts of our selves to create Havens on Earth - places and spaces where people are remembered, refreshed and rejuvenated back to the original Template/Temple of Love.

I would like to hear from those in my community (West Auckland, Titirangi and Glen Eden) and other groups, organizations, and communities out there, on how we can hook up and have some Fun (!), Create Community, and fulfill our birthright to live with joy, purpose and optimism towards a Sustainable Future.

Some topics I am interested in are: Community Centers where we can have Play Shops on permaculture, spiritual cinema, movement and dance, plays; link up and create one internet site to network our events; get funding for individual and group projects through memberships and..... what about that off shore investing??? How do we convert our cars, car pools, grow our own community food etc.

Lets Build the Template for All of Us.

PS: Did I mention FUN!!!