Friday, August 1, 2008

In a Perfect World of Love

"In a perfect world of love, free of fear, chemicals and contamination, our brain chemistry would remain in balance for our entire life. But our modern society has created a different set of rules. Any trauma, fears, attacks or perceptions of a threat to our self, sets off the fight or flight chemical response. This response is then logged into our permanent memory bank for instant recall at a later date. The problem begins to arise after the perceived threat has passed. The chemical imbalances never reset themselves back to zero. Over years and even decades of constant fear, stressor stimulation and continuing chemical imbalance, the body starts to physically break down.

It has valiantly been doing its job of protecting and adapting. Coupled with the influence of toxic metals, chemicals and drugs, the brain creates a disease or a system failure waiting to happen. The sensitive neural conditioning actually starts to take on the appearance of post-traumatic stress disorder, OCD's or an autoimmune disorder.

The treatment of brain chemistry imbalances with the use of prescription drugs is only masking the underlying condition. The designed action of the drug is to block receptor sensitivity or neutralize the excessive natural chemicals without addressing the original creation of the condition. Over time, as the underlying condition worsens and we go to stronger and stronger masking agents, we eventually have to deal with our imbalanced nature through the physical manifestation of disease. As we balance our brain, we create a new perception of life and a new world of optimal health.” James C, Cole

From my Ayurveda Tutor at Wellpark College:

"When you watched this movie “What the bleep Do We Know" the scientist talked about Columbus  and the Aztecs not to being able to see the ship when it arrived because they had no example of anything like that in their experience. Their neurons where not developed to identify it until the shaman came and pointed it out and then they said, “Yes, we can see the ship.”

It is a similar experience when you do not have another perspective and continue to believe that there is no reality outside of the one you know. It is not just the brain in your head, which is doing the job of making sure all the channels communicate with each other well. There is a little brain in every part of your body. Every cell has it’s own intelligence, every cell is its own being, because every cell is an organism in itself. What is that which holds all these millions of organisms together to become your or me?

In India,  3,000 years produced a generations of healthy people and thus they had time for wisdom. Why would someone sit in the Himalayas and ask “what is self?”  in search of self-realization, what’s the meaning behind creation?” It is because they didn’t have to worry about their sinusitis, their diabetes or their mortgages. They created a Life Style, which helped them not to worry about these aspects. They had a preparedness to look at the more meaningful aspects of life and thus came the wisdom of Vedas."


MG: For me these two ideas: one from the internet when I was investigating the biology of fight or flight on the nervous system as it relates to the lungs and heart called “In a perfect world of Love” related so well to what my tutor was say regarding the way the Reishis of old were able to bring forth the Vedas: it was because they didn’t live surrounded by the constant toxic soup we all swim in: the tragedies, real and imagined, that plummet our health into a perpetual state of imbalance and disease.

We don’t even have a community to uphold those of us who are single parents, who go through the ravages of divorce, those of us who have lost EVERYTHING we based our lives on: jobs, partners, homes, and health. The poverty of life that co-opts the peace needed to bring forth revelation: something that is inherent in us as our good.
 I have tossed around the hot potato of values, morality, virtue, good and evil and what I keep coming up with is LOVE. Love changes everything. Until we come to this experience, which society denies us, then we may go from one external something to another without any satisfaction, and, at the same time, sensing that something's missing or there has got to be more to life than what we are seeing, feeling or experiencing. 

In my searching I have realized that things are perfect in the moment, right here and now. Even if the worst thing imaginable happens to us we are in the perfect place because our actions or Karma have placed us here. Instead of cursing the externals for bringing us here, we get to thank them for freeing us from our karmas, giving us a chance to examine where we are and how we got there and thus be able to be in a position to chose again from a place of Love, versus what ever it was that prompted us to be in this position in the first place.

Like:” she took the money and run.”  How often do we ask the question: "Why?" There is a slender thread that leads back to how we got ourselves into the situation we are currently faced with. Take any situation from the World Trade Center to why bad things happen to good people. Poverty drives this machine: poverty of consciousness, of resources, of understanding and especially Love.  There is a connection to wellness or ill health, experience, environment and their is a remedy, a way to come back into balance within our  separate worlds.  Taking 100% responsibility for what we have created is a first step. 

When we come from a place of Love there are no considerations at all. We become aware of this present moment as being the beginning of a whole new chapter, or new world. Anything is possible. We are open and allowing.

Which gets me back to the other idea I had of the holding tank; the way station we get to sit in until the time is ripe, we are ripe, to pop into our true beings, our authentic selves: authors of our own experience. Even though there is nothing to do about anything, we can unravel the Karmic actions by bringing ourselves into balance with what we know to be true: whether it be values, good health, forgiving everything etc. Here in lies the compost of our ripening souls and it is from this rich dark compost our future self is born.

Enough for today. 2/8/8

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