Monday, January 18, 2010

Purple Crocus Love

Everything that needs to be is known is know. In order to unlock the door you need the key. The key is the heart. There are different ways to get to it, to realize it, to become it. When something pricks the heart, it's like the rose thorn and you react. Your attention will be drawn to that particular essence that unlocks the door to the Beloved. Where ever your attention is, there you are.

The door to the heart is the door to the treasure house where everything is stored: the past, the future, which only really exists for this time and reality.

• Going backwards, backpedaling and then you're stuck again.

The body wants to be comfortable, comforted and be resting. Then you get the green light and you are off and going on another thread, riding the razors edge. You are climbing that ladder of awareness and you stop to pick up the old pain or pattern. It's like a wave and then the wave sucks you back. It's all part of the cycle, the cleansing and clearing process. Everything is pure, exactly as it is. We get stuck in an eddy. All of this is appropriate, in order to realize the ultimate goal we all wish for: our Home Coming, our Reunion, our coming back to ourselves more and more.

• Forgive self and other. This is the mantra for now.

We are here on the other side and there is a small crimson suture that we are constantly pulling on. Whatever the story, we are pulling it through the landscape of the story, pulling the suture of the soul through the landscape of the story, and delivering it to Reunion.

• This is a world of duality.

You can't know what you want until you know what you don't want. As you go along, you have a strategies for protecting your self which work up to a certain point. As you begin to take up the practices which consciously extend and raise you up this" ladder of yoga" (as they say in her class: You're going up the Eight Limbs of Patanjali Yoga.) all of a sudden the coping mechanisms don't work any more. You want the comfort of not having to go too fast. We can accommodate that.

• The wave or cycle of life.

There is still the momentum of the wave that is a part of a huge ocean. We love the example of having the Being made of Salt. It goes into the ocean andgets absorbed into the water (the great solvent) of which we are made up of. The next wave comes putting the salt back upon the shore where another Being arises. The cycle goes on and on.

In this cycle, this particular being, is seeing the vision of embodying awareness, embodying consciousness. She's on to the good thing, the right track, because of what really was painful, that thorn, that niggling thing that drew her back, was placed in her heart to remind her "that wasn't good (that experience) or that was good." That's discrimination. Of that you want and of this you don't want. If one where to love and connect with another person, would you grab for them or would you embrace the heart? Find ways to curl up inside the embrace of the heart.

• Who am I?

They are synchronicities: the impression or imagine of life, like a stage with props and scenery, costumes and what have you. You are moving through the scenery of the moment, the play. It's the same names revolving from the name of a shop, to the name of a person, all symbolically revolving around you. That's how transparent life is. You can actually create and are involved in this whole phenomenal universe

• The Religion of Love

A Religion of Love is a Religion of the Heart. That's why the scenery in the beginning of this play/Lilla was Krishna. Then there was Hanuman jumping through space and he's got his chest ripped open to reveal his heart, his burning devotional heart. (Later borrowed by Christianity) Krishna, Christ, there is very little difference when it comes to the Devotional aspects of these traditions.

Story of Hanuman (Body tingles)

Hanuman didn't realize the great strength he had. He didn't think he had the strength to jump over the ocean to Lanka to rescue Sita for his Lord Rama. But his fellows were chanting: "you can do this. You can do this. You can do this…" He ripped open his chest, took a mighty leap over the sea all the way to where Sita was captive in Lanka. In his devotion to Rama (Pause as it's is very charged energy)

Love is always leading us to a deeper garden, the deeper depths of our being. Love is the key and love is not in a physical place. Its' eternal, like this beautiful, beautiful radiant light that's bathing us, surround us, an amazing jewel pulsing and flowering: it's in nature, its in everything It is everything. It's so beautiful so beautiful (whispering and very) this is like the most precious gem that's gifted into the hearts of those who will have it.

This one here wants to embody it; she wants to shine it out. She wants to give it to who those who ever would want it and would value it. She wants to just be in that light. That's her promise and purpose. She's so beautiful. So Loving. Who would forgive all the things she's forgiven? Who has a heart like that? It's as if there were a big basket or a pond, and there are all these beautiful flowers and lilies floating in the water and she picked the flower of love. She promised to be that.

Heartfelt Place of Love

There is a whole group of people, like Lakshmi standing on a cloud at the heart of it all. She's the center of the flower, the fertility, the abundance and Prakriti, nature. She has her string tied to this one but then there are others who come through at different times. I see a butterfly, a pulsing butterfly.

There is a whole line or group to the physical who gave the DNA and the other group behind that that gives the nectar to the soul essence. That nectar is going to the center of the flower (Lakshmi), of the nectar. It holds the pollen on its feet which is given to this one lying here. She's getting fed by the nectar of all these different flowers: (essences, teachings) all these different lineages, Not particularly one religion or another, but that heartfelt place of love. Many people have come through but, there being no time and space, for this being, this one particular expression, this life there is a whole soul group here. Some of them are Native American that are standing up there are very close to nature. Quite a few yogis truth seekers, those are the main ones, some shamans, some Christian ones, a monk, some Angelic ones. But when ever she passes through a different loka or world there will be that nectar or specific essence there for her.

It's always the same energy behind the expression. Still that mother of love. The Bliss Mother. Still the center of the flower, the original essence of nature. Still that core connected to the taproot that is anchored in love. Somehow we only way to get there is through the experience, the body and the heart. To keep practicing love. Keep one's attention on love at all times.

There are lots of other things that can distract you that are not like the love. They're ok... no judgment but the wave force is "whoosh", the one she's surfing on, it’s the wave of love, it's the flower of love. Any tradition that has stood for that has been very attractive to her.

There are many maps. Yoga's a map, much clearer map for her now. At some point you put the map aside and you unlock the door with that key. Yoga's the key right now and you walk to through the door.You can't put into words what's on the other side of the door. You just experience it. And that is enough. Does that make sense? She's going. She's got a lot of energy and enthusiasm for this journey.

Here's another thing: there are many others such as yourselves, people who are coming now because of her… her "a-door-able ness": she's a door, an opening. She it the way shower, and there are lots of you and you are dancing together.

This morning there was playing "I want to dance the night away.." There she was driving down the street, rocking back and forth, doing this wave thing with her hands. Everybody sitting in their cars looking straight a head, so serious and she's singing at the top of her lungs "I want to dance the night away."

You are all coming to play together. That's really what it's all about. A celebration. A homecoming. Coming from the heart space and celebrating each other. That's what the relationships are about. Of course she wants to be in the heart center and give the heart center rather than the root center. The root center's there and grounds into this reality but you anchor yourself and then you fly up to the heart, to that suture: the one given you by the ones who have come before you and left their footprints. Then off you go, your spirit flies and surfs and cavorts in the ethers in the heavenly places. You're surfin! Whoosh there you go! There you go! Whatever sunbeam you're on, whatever wave your surfacing beyond is supported by the power of love.

• Is there anything else you can share with her so that she can stay focused and feel connected with you? Is there any way you ca n let her know (Like an itch or color) She knows it s a tingle in the body?

Also very proud of her of saying what she felt to her friend "oh you are such a beautiful being." It was perfect, great. Writing the letter to her former husband. These little acts are no small potatoes. No small thing.

Yesterday morning the sun was coming through the window and hit her face and there was a beautiful light of colors and fractal and feeling the sun: being available for the blessing and putting her self in a situation that is going to up the possibility of a good experience or a connection with spirit with us, the heart. That keeps us on track and then she asks, "What is that resistance?" It's just that little back currant again. It's just that part of life, going "I'm not ready for that just yet" Relax. There is no rush. When you are ready. " When you can strengthen those areas of resistance, those areas that bring you back to the heart, that bring you back to joy and happiness to really celebrate life and have fun.

Is there something I need to know that I am not aware of? (Nic)

Ah. You are loved. Allow yourself to receive more love. Allow yourself to become that love that you sometimes think is hidden or unattainable. Love yourself. Keep more of that love for yourself. Don’t' be so anxious to give it away. You need to lay back and let go into that love and not feel that there is anything you need to do to deserve that love. Let love arise in you. Let love surround you. Let love nestle into your heart and take root in your being. Trust that you are loved and that you are love. Feel it. There's a deep purple color surrounding you, caressing you. That's the only nourishment you need to seek. Love. Purple Love. Purple Crocus Love.

Aware that it times to go. Time limit. No problem. Thank you for the Blessing. I say "En lekesh. I am another You." I am only you. The whole body pulsates and tingles with this love. I am getting the name crocus, this beautiful crocus, my little crocus blessing. Until the next time. Thank you .

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