Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Beyond Physics

After hearing Dr. Bruce Lipton at the NZ Chiropactic College 11 March, 2009

Everything is seeking to describe itself. To recognize itself. To Be itself.

Wherever you focus your attention there you are. You are focusing now on being present to creating an environment of love. Yet there is “not love” staring you in the face. You don’t like what you see, so you are constantly judging it, versus sitting with it until it shares its meaning and story with you. The outside dimension is constantly chattering and explaining: even writing books and giving lectures on how it is. Really there is only the experience of how it is with signs and symbols pointing the way, back to itself. The only doing is to step into IT.

There have been so many ideas, endless ideas, of what life is. This seems to be a function of the human mind: to explain everything. Nothing stays the same: everything is energy and everything is changing and moving. So what gives life its cohesiveness? The structure. Yet the structures cannot be seen with the naked eye. In fact, quantum physics says at the smallest microscopic level there is nothing! NO Structure. Yet we know that consciousness is happening at this moment and that we are but infinitesimal cells in the body of this consciousness. Some thing is happening.

Coming from the place where consciousness is embodied within a structure called a "Human Being" we see that this human being is the instrument of the consciousness that created it: that the human being accesses instructions internally, not from the brain but, from the energy itself, beyond the brain, in which it is vibrationally bathing in..

A whole organic life, a holistic world cosmos, necessitates we attune to ourselves, one another and our communities to bring forward the dream we've had since the beginning: the dream of life everlasting.

How do we communicate and how do we listen to one another? I get small in order to listen. I look out and what is reflected back to me is the playing out of my dream. I cannot dream this alone. I am not able to pop through the dream until you join me. Will you join me or will you continue to separate yourself from me with our judgments and your thoughts?

As we say "we are One", let’s dream this worldwide grid of humanity stretching like a web of pearly lights around the world. Let's beacon our "positive attractors", our loving thoughts, towards one another and for one another. Let’s see what other parts of the picture can emerge as we hold one another’s hand.

1 comment:

DenisioAlegria :) said...

BRAVA!!! Beautifully well-written perceptions. Thank you Mary for being such a clear, conscious voice. The "love-centered heart" which inspires the speaking is VERY evident ... and is beautiful :)

Many blessings dear one
~ Dennis