Sunday, January 4, 2009

How is the Resistance Working For You?

One problem I have with the resistance movement is that resistance only creates more tension. It is letting go completely that we gain our freedom. I am not saying we give in. I am saying we tune into what's happening, use our intuition and engage it, and have some fun, as this thing is already planned out in our future minds. It's a Landmark Forum trick. Everything is planned from the place of its already having been realized. Education's great but then what?

I suggest we have a section dedicated to solution and having serious fun: link to people like Catherine Austin Fitz, Caroline Casey, Stuart Wilde etc. and get those at the top of their game step in and show us the way.

The governments or Powers That Be are waiting for us to come out in the open and oppose them. We get to be creative and do the unexpected. We truly want them on our team to make a major shift. We won't get there without them. They are only playing Devil to lead us to the light.

I really feel that in order to over come the obstacles, we get to learn the lesson they teach us, including resisting it. "Resist not evil" is the admonition. If there is no evil and there is no God then what are we talking about here? They made a mistake. We can only example a better way.

As long as you talk like this (resistence) then you are understandable to them and they can attack you (kill you, put you in jail as terrorists) so you only have a short term with this approach.

If you give this system something that is outside of their language, something they don't value, you become invisible to them. As you attract change more and more grow it and then you have what I call a "positive attractor" versus a resistant cell. You want to enlighten not stir up more fear.

So let's work on a "warm fuzzy" "Sugar versus vinegar" solutions and see opportunities instead of the Resident Evil we are so familiar with. It is in each one of us. We allow it.

Can we have a Solution Page?????

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